About the BEEP Project
Across Europe, many residents, particularly those from marginalized groups, face obstacles to participating in national elections. This project, while recognising the systemic obstacles it also understands the possibilities provided by local and regional political processes, and as such aims to bridge this gap.
Our approach draws on critical adult education practices. Initially the partnership conducted an in-depth research to understand the specific barriers faced in partner countries. This research was then used as the basis for the development of participatory learning activities. These programs go beyond simply imparting knowledge. They empower learners to critically analyze power structures, starting from micro level, and identify strategies for overcoming exclusion in local political participation.
To ensure that this approach has a “fighting chance”, the partnership also developed some guidelines for teachers and institutions. This way the suggested workshops can help enhance the culture of critical reflection and engagement among institutions, teachers/educators/facilitators and of course the learners.
However, the project also goes beyond the micro/meso level since this issue has more deep roots. For this reason, the partners aim to influence systemic change through the development of evidence-based policy recommendations. These recommendations are targeted at government agencies (local and regional), adult education institutions, and community organizations.
About the BEEP Partnership
The BEEP Partnership consists of 5 organisations from 5 countries, and it is led by VHS Wien – lernraum.wien from Austria
Austria - Coordinator and leader of Research
The VHS Vienna (VHS Wien) is a large adult education institution with a longstanding tradition in adult basic education. VHS Wien has 1.000 employed staff and about 3000 freelance teachers and trainers and offers basic skills courses in the framework of the initiative adult education. VHS Wien offers a wide range of courses in general education and runs projects for pupils (Förderung 2.0) Roma children (Roma lernhilfe), basic skills courses in the framework of the initiative adult education, as well as upcycling projects (DRZ WIEN) and integration courses (Integration ab Tag eins). VHS Wien has a longstanding tradition of outreach and empowerment work especially in municipal social housing projects. In January 2011 the founded research institute lernraum.wien, part of the Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH took up its work dealing with issues of multilingualism, integration and education. A team of experts works on basic research in theses fields, offers trainings for literacy and language teachers, organizes conferences, participates in international projects and learning partnerships. The team of lernraum.wien consists of 6 staff out of which 3 are experts on adult basic eductaion.
AONTAS - The Voice of Adult Learning
Ireland - Partner and leader of Workshops
AONTAS is Ireland’s national adult learning organisation for adult and community education providers and for adult learners. It promotes the value and benefits of adult learning and advocates on behalf of the sector with key policy and decision makers. Founded in 1969, AONTAS is an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) with over 500 member’s nationwide and strong relationships with key public, private, and not for profit stakeholders across the education sector. AONTAS provides a crucial platform for member organisations to share experience and best practice, promote their work and advocate to policy makers on the value and necessity of adult education and lifelong learning, and community education. The core activities include the management and implementation of the National Further Education and Training Learner Forum (a research project that engages with adult learners across Ireland linked to the National FET Strategy), the Community Education Network (a network of community providers from across Ireland), the Adult Learners’ Festival (a nationwide celebration of adult learning), publication of the Adult Learner Journal (the only adult learning journal in Ireland), the STAR Awards (recognition and celebration of adult learning programmes) and European projects.
As an organisation AONTAS has a long history working and engaging at a European level. AONTAS is represented on the Board of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). Since 2014, AONTAS were assigned the role of the National Co-ordinator for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult learning (EAAL) which highlights the need to increase participation in adult learning. We are currently involved in five European projects including KA1, KA2, and KA3.
AONTAS has a team of 18 people, including 2 part-time staff.
Italy - Partner and leader of Impact Assessment
The Association Archipelago is an association of volunteers enrolled in the Register of Regional Volunteer L.R. 11/2007 Decree n.244 of 24/11/2004 and part of the network of Arci circles in the province of Caserta adhering to ‘Arci National.
Its priority objectives are to favor the active and democratic participation of young people and adults, Italians and foreigners; to contrast the phenomena of social exclusion and to favor the active participation to the democratic life; to fight all forms of violence, including online, dictated by discriminatory reasons; to promote the welfare, culture and interculturalism among people; promote a sense of community, as a physical place and values in which everyone can find space.
Main targets are:
- migrants
- people with low skills (young adult and adult)
- people marginalised and with minor opportunities (women, disabled, etc.)
Escola Profissional AMAR TERRA VERDE
Portugal - Partner and leader of Guidelines
Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde (EPATV) is a VET school, a training provider and an adult education centre (Qualifica Centre), where social and educational activities take part both in formal, non-formal and in informal contexts.
The vocational school was created in 1993 from a tripartite agreement between 3 town halls: Amares, Terras do Bouro e Vila Verde. Nowadays, it is a private institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. The vocational school has around 600 students and 60 teachers and it is in Vila Verde, a rural area in the north of Portugal, strongly low qualified and whose population struggles with social and economic problems, mainly due to unemployment, low formal qualifications, and life conditions. Participation in Lifelong learning activities is also more difficult since public transports are rare to the city centre, mainly after the usual daily working and/or studying hours. A high percentage of the population still works in agriculture related professions. The main role of the vocational school is to prepare the youngsters for life, not only for the labour market but to succeed in all contexts and to, by consequence, improve their life conditions and wellbeing.
The school also develops for long time volunteering activities, and an Eco-school project, which involves everyone in the community and keeps us motivated and with a positive attitude towards the environment and its sustainability.
Other non-formal activities, like dance, theatre and volunteering are also encouraged, both for young people and for the adult population. Daily we look to promote social inclusion, gender equality, active citizenship, employment or selfemployment; we also work on the prevention of early school dropout. EPATV is a member of the European Association for the Education of Adults, the voice of non-formal adult learning in Europe. We are also members of APCEP – Portuguese Association for Lifelong Learning and ANESPO – National Association for Vocational Schools. At a local level, EPATV has a strong relation with the community, with all civil society actors.
DAFNI KEK - Social Research and Innovation in Adult Education
Greece - Partner and leader of Policy Recommendations
DAFNI KEK is a non-for profit education and research center.
Based on the official Statutes articles: ”The initial scope of the institution was the design and provision of continuing Vocational Training and Adult Education courses to a broad range of marginalized groups in the frame of EU funding, State Funding or independetly”.
The organisation acts both as an independent research center for innovation in adult education, while also being a LifeLong Learning Center, certified by EOPPEP (The National Organisation for the Certification of Qualification and Vocational Guidance), under which the organisation has to respect and act under the national legalities for such educational centers. Since 2002 , DAFNI KEK had a capacity in delivering courses in national level through certified Structures and departments in various cities, mainly in Athens and Argos . Due to the continuous reforms in Lifelong Learning in Greece, it has voluntarily withdrew its status as a vocational training center and operates currently only as an adult education and research center, maintaining always its non-profit character.
The organization thinks that the statement of Paolo Freire that is prominent in the organization’s website as well as hanging in the walls of their offices really covers the essence around working against social injustice, including injustice towards diverse groups of people from different cultures and countries, and that is: “…there is no transformation without action… Progressive educators need to convince themselves that they are not only teachers–this doesn’t exist–not only teaching specialists. We are political militants because we are teachers…Our job implies that we teach subjects with sobriety and competence, but it also requires our involvement in and dedication to overcoming social injustice.” – (Teachers as Cultural Workers: Letters to Those Who Dare Teach, pg. 42)