Cork ETB Learner Voices Group

Have an open discussion with adult education learners about how they want to have their voices heard and make changes – Cocreation of in person workshop with larger group by identifying aims

Duration (hrs)5 hours
Aim of Activity“Have an open discussion with adult education learners about how they want to have their voices heard and make changes
Cocreation of in person workshop with larger group by identifying aims “
Description of Participants/ Target GroupParticipants are all women who went back to education as adults. They are now very enegaged with adult education advocacy work and want to make adult education accessible to all in their region
Activities Carried OutONLINE
– Identifying key issues
– Identifying barriers to participation
– Planning an in person workshop with a facilitator
Feedback from Participants“Great to take the time to meet in advance of the workshop”
“Looking forward to the workshop”
Reflection on ImpactA very interesting ‘next step’ in design process by cocreating a BEEP learning event with some more experiecned participants in advance.

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