In this post, we are sharing with you the questions that were developed as part of the impact evaluation strategy, to be addressed to stakeholders – particularly policy makers and educators/community workers.
Policy Makers
- Can you give some suggestions on how to promote your decision-making capacities and thus contribute to solving the main challenges facing Europe about political participation?
- About you, how adult education could contribute to the up-skilling and social inclusion of people from a disadvantaged background and be willing to cooperate more with AE organisations?
- Do you believe that more citizen participation can improve the quality of living as a community among citizens?
- If yes, how
- If no, Why
- Additional comments and suggestions
Professionals and volunteers who work with people from a disadvantaged background
- In which way does the BEEP project make improvements in the professional practices or methods of the professionals and/or volunteers who work with people from a disadvantaged background?
- Do you think it’s important the cooperation with better informed and more recognised interlocutors,
- Do you believe that more citizen participation can improve the quality of living as a community among citizens?
- If yes, how
- If no, Why
- Additional comments and suggestions