Exhibition of photographs on the emigration of the Portuguese to France and launch of a book
Duration (hours) | 5,5h (1h preparation + 2h conference+ 1,5h debate + 1h debate forward) |
Aim of the activity | Exhibition of photographs on the emigration of the Portuguese to France and launch of a book. |
Description of Participants / Target Group | Around 50 participants from different backgrounds. The invitation was published in all local media. |
Activities Carried Out | Through the exposition of pictures: knowing facts, realities and events in the life of many Portuguese emigrants. And the book portrays, in fictional form, the odyssey of four Portuguese who left for France, fleeing the colonial war. There followed a lively debate on Portuguese emigration. Besides that, some participants continued the debate afterwards, on the 3rd of June, in a session at EPATV. |
Feedback | All participants gave a very positive feedback, showing interest in questionning and sharing their own experience in some cases. The main outcome is that na urgent reflection on today’s emigration is needed, as the reasons for leaving the country is still the same today (war and poverty), after 50 years nothing have changed. |
Reflection on Impact | Listening to the personal experience of someone who lived the experience of emigration in the first person always ends up having a greater impact on the participants; many were the ones who purchased the book and presented, a posteriori, a very positive feedback about it. Furthermore, the reflection that followed allowed for a better understanding of all the reasons and consequences underlying migratory movements. |